Lesotho celebrates National Day at Expo 2020


The Kingdom of Lesotho commemorated its Expo 2020 Dubai national on the 27th of October with cultural fusion of music, dance, and poetry, a flag-raising ceremony and speeches.

His Majesty King Letsie III, with Queen Masenate Mohato Seeiso led a delegation that included the Ambassador of Lesotho to the GCC, Mr. Boomo Frank Sofonia, were joined by the minister of Foreign Affairs and International Relations, Mme Matsepo Molise-Ramakoae, the minister of Tourism, Environment and Culture, Mme Ntloi Motsamai as well as the minister of Small Business, Marketing and Corperatives, Ntate Machesetsa Cheese Mofomobe.

Their Majesties’ delegation was received and welcomed by Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan, United Arab Emirates (UAE) Minister of Tolerance and Coexistence and Commissioner General of Expo 2020 Dubai.

Sheikh Nahayan said: "Lesotho is a land that inspires with its way of life, and aims to do just that at Expo 2020 Dubai by building partnerships and networks for investment, information sharing and best practices, and attracting foreign direct investment in priority development areas such as agriculture, technology and innovation, and renewable energy,"

"With Expo 2020, we hope to build on existing partnerships between our two countries, as the UAE has been an active partner to Lesotho in the field of development cooperation, where we have worked on initiatives concerning water supply systems, energy policy and administration, and construction policy" concluded the UAE’s Minister of Tolerance and Coexistence.

His Majesty King Letsie III said that he "remains optimistic that Expo 2020 Dubai will succeed in its noble mission of ‘Connecting Minds’, and as a result of that achievement an incubator will be created that will hatch sustainable solutions to our common problems; solutions which will hopefully create a more prosperous and peaceful future for us all."

His Royal highness’ words were echoed by Mme Ntlhoi Motsamai, the Minister of Tourism, Environment and Culture, who said that Lesotho is "participating in Expo 2020 Dubai to build bridges to be connected to the entire world and, in particular, with the UAE.

"As the Lesotho delegation, we are here to extend a very warm invitation for you to come with us and invest in Lesotho because the playing ground has levelled and we have viable businesses, including but not limited to generating clean energy through wind power due to its high altitude of 1,400 metres above sea level" she concluded.

Lesotho, the home of the Maluti Mountains, put together a compilation of performances incorporating Afro Jazz, Hip-Hop and Famo. The show featured five musicians: Selimo, Skebza, Stunna, Boima, and Mapule, who took verses from their own songs and fused them together, accompanied by contemporary dance. Signing off a great day, celebrating the Southern African Kingdom.

Lesotho’s pavilion is found in the Sustainability District, presenting natural treasures and advancements in sustainability. Visitors will uncover the significant strides Lesotho has made in the 50 years since its independence. See the impact of digital connectivity and energy access on people's lifestyles and the country's economy.